Pasquale Colao, 1851

Pasquale /Colao/
October 20, 1851 30 24
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Birth of a sister
October 25, 1853 (aged 2 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Death of a sister
April 16, 1854 (aged 2 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Death of a father
January 18, 1855 (aged 3 years)
Polla, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.516666 Longitude: 15.483337
Marriage of a parent
June 19, 1861 (aged 9 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Birth of a half-brother
February 27, 1864 (aged 12 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Death of a half-brother
July 19, 1865 (aged 13 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Birth of a half-sister
September 16, 1868 (aged 16 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Death of a half-sister
March 30, 1872 (aged 20 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
January 18, 1876 (aged 24 years)
Polla, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.516666 Longitude: 15.483337
Death of a mother
July 28, 1907 (aged 55 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Family with parents
Birth: January 8, 1821 25 24 Polla, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: January 18, 1855Polla, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Birth: July 24, 1827 39 33 Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: July 28, 1907Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Marriage MarriageOctober 15, 1848Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
3 years
Birth: October 20, 1851 30 24 Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
2 years
younger sister
Birth: October 25, 1853 32 26 Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: April 16, 1854Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Mother’s family with Antonio Cimino
Birth: May 9, 1832 31 28 Teggiano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: January 10, 1891Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Birth: July 24, 1827 39 33 Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: July 28, 1907Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Marriage MarriageJune 19, 1861Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
3 years
Birth: February 27, 1864 31 36 Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: July 19, 1865Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
5 years
Birth: September 16, 1868 36 41 Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: March 30, 1872Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Family with Maria Antonia Curcio
Birth: October 20, 1851 30 24 Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Birth: about 1851 18 18 Polla, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Marriage MarriageJanuary 18, 1876Polla, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Shared note

Engagement is #2 in the 1875 Monte San Giacomo Pubblicazioni appendix; marriage is #2 in the 1876 Polla Matrimoni