Cosmo Pasquale Perrotta, 1811

Cosmo Pasquale /Perrotta/
October 15, 1811 37 27
Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.483337 Longitude: 15.233332
Birth of a brother
about 1813 (aged 1 year)
Birth of a sister
August 24, 1814 (aged 2 years)
Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.483337 Longitude: 15.233332
Birth of a sister
April 27, 1817 (aged 5 years)
Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.483337 Longitude: 15.233332
Birth of a sister
December 9, 1819 (aged 8 years)
Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.483337 Longitude: 15.233332
Death of a sister
August 30, 1822 (aged 10 years)
Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.483337 Longitude: 15.233332
Birth of a sister
about 1822 (aged 10 years)
Birth of a sister
August 20, 1822 (aged 10 years)
Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.483337 Longitude: 15.233332
Birth of a sister
August 21, 1822 (aged 10 years)
Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.483337 Longitude: 15.233332
Death of a maternal grandfather
Death of a mother
December 2, 1860 (aged 49 years)
Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.483337 Longitude: 15.233332
Death of a brother
December 30, 1877 (aged 66 years)
Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.483337 Longitude: 15.233332
Death of a sister
January 8, 1894 (aged 82 years)
Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.483337 Longitude: 15.233332
Death of a sister
March 22, 1899 (aged 87 years)
Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.483337 Longitude: 15.233332
Death of a father
Family with parents
Birth: about 1784 22 20
Death: December 2, 1860Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
elder brother
Birth: about 1807 33 23 Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: December 30, 1877Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
5 years
Birth: October 15, 1811 37 27 Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
3 years
younger sister
Birth: August 24, 1814 40 30 Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: March 22, 1899Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
3 years
younger sister
Birth: April 27, 1817 43 33 Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
3 years
younger sister
Birth: December 9, 1819 45 35 Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: August 30, 1822Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy
3 years
younger sister
Birth: about 1822 48 38
Death: January 8, 1894Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy