Gaetano Demetrio Calandriello, 1845

Gaetano Demetrio /Calandriello/
October 26, 1845 20
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Marriage of a parent
August 23, 1847 (aged 1 year)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Birth of a half-brother
June 27, 1848 (aged 2 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Birth of a half-brother
November 7, 1849 (aged 4 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Death of a half-brother
October 15, 1851 (aged 5 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Birth of a half-brother
January 30, 1852 (aged 6 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Death of a half-brother
April 18, 1855 (aged 9 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Birth of a half-brother
December 5, 1855 (aged 10 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Birth of a half-sister
January 20, 1858 (aged 12 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Death of a maternal grandmother
January 28, 1858 (aged 12 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Birth of a half-sister
April 11, 1861 (aged 15 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Death of a half-sister
April 11, 1861 (aged 15 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Birth of a half-sister
July 2, 1863 (aged 17 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Birth of a half-brother
January 26, 1866 (aged 20 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Birth of a half-brother
January 8, 1869 (aged 23 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
August 26, 1869 (aged 23 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Birth of a daughter
July 23, 1870 (aged 24 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Death of a maternal grandfather
February 16, 1871 (aged 25 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Birth of a son
October 23, 1873 (aged 27 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Death of a son
April 15, 1884 (aged 38 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Death of a wife
February 2, 1886 (aged 40 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Death of a mother
January 6, 1900 (aged 54 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Death of a half-brother
February 23, 1922 (aged 76 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Death of a half-sister
February 26, 1923 (aged 77 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Death of a half-brother
January 20, 1935 (aged 89 years)
Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.549999
Family with parents
Birth: April 30, 1825 32 38 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: January 6, 1900Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Birth: October 26, 1845 20 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Mother’s family with Domenico Pellegrino
Birth: July 11, 1825 31 28 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: January 5, 1895Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Birth: April 30, 1825 32 38 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: January 6, 1900Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Marriage MarriageAugust 23, 1847Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
10 months
Birth: June 27, 1848 22 23 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: February 23, 1922Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
17 months
Birth: November 7, 1849 24 24 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: October 15, 1851Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
2 years
Birth: January 30, 1852 26 26 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: April 18, 1855Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
4 years
Birth: December 5, 1855 30 30 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
2 years
Birth: January 20, 1858 32 32 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: February 26, 1923Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
3 years
Birth: April 11, 1861 35 35 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: April 11, 1861Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
2 years
Birth: July 2, 1863 37 38 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
3 years
Birth: January 26, 1866 40 40 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: January 20, 1935Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
3 years
Birth: January 8, 1869 43 43 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Family with Francesca di Sisti
Birth: October 26, 1845 20 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Birth: November 8, 1846 39 24 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: February 2, 1886Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Marriage MarriageAugust 26, 1869Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
11 months
Birth: July 23, 1870 24 23 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
3 years
Birth: October 23, 1873 27 26 Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: April 15, 1884Sassano, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Shared note

Merged record based on name, relative age and process of elimination; could be an error