Veneranda d'Alto, 17861852 (aged 66 years)

Veneranda /d'Alto/
Veneranna /d'Alto/
about 1786
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Birth of a daughter
about 1799 (aged 13 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Birth of a son
March 2, 1804 (aged 18 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Birth of a daughter
about 1808 (aged 22 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Birth of a son
April 6, 1809 (aged 23 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Birth of a daughter
April 6, 1812 (aged 26 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Birth of a daughter
May 6, 1815 (aged 29 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Death of a daughter
June 23, 1815 (aged 29 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Birth of a daughter
May 2, 1817 (aged 31 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Death of a daughter
June 1, 1817 (aged 31 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Death of a daughter
June 6, 1817 (aged 31 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Death of a husband
September 19, 1817 (aged 31 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Marriage of a daughter
Marriage of a son
Marriage of a daughter
Marriage of a son
Death of a daughter
July 19, 1837 (aged 51 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Marriage of a daughter
Marriage of a daughter
December 11, 1852 (aged 66 years)
Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Latitude: 40.333336 Longitude: 15.533332
Family with Francesco Pantoliano
Birth: about 1777 51 22 Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: September 19, 1817Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Birth: about 1786Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: December 11, 1852Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Birth: about 1799 22 13 Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: July 19, 1837Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
5 years
5 years
Birth: about 1808 31 22 Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: June 6, 1817Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
15 months
Birth: April 6, 1809 32 23 Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: January 13, 1861Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
3 years
Birth: April 6, 1812 35 26 Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: March 16, 1885Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
3 years
Birth: May 6, 1815 38 29 Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: June 23, 1815Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
2 years
Birth: May 2, 1817 40 31 Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Death: June 1, 1817Monte San Giacomo, Salerno, Campania, Italy
Shared note

Parents not specified on death record