Giuseppa Barbara Carmela Giuliano was born about 1857, her father was C esare Giuliano and she marri…

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Giuseppa Barbara Carmela Giuliano was born about 1857, her father was C esare Giuliano and she married Giovambattista Luigi Forziati. A death r ecord names Giuseppina Giuliano (close enough) daughter of Cesare Giuli ano (exact match) and wife of Giovanni Forziati (close enough) so she i s being merged even though the marriage record names her mother as Iren e Torre and the death record names the mother as Teresa Torre.

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
about 1854
about 1857
170 1 137 33 Never
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
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