Note the discrepancy in the name of the mother of Elisabetta Babbaro. T he death record (Castellucci…

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Note the discrepancy in the name of the mother of Elisabetta Babbaro. T he death record (Castelluccia 1864 number 5) says her mother is Maria S caramella. This conflicts with the marriage record of Elisabetta Babbar o and Angelantonio Cantalupo (Castelluccia 1834 number 10) which says t he bride's mother is Maria Tancredi. The processo of that marriage cont ains a document explaining that the birth was not registered and provid ed a court waiver of sorts. rchivio+di+Stato+di+Salerno/Stato+civile+della+restaurazione/Castellucc iaoggi+Castelcivita/Matrimoni+processetti/1834/1228/007346543_00074.jpg .html

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